Thames Valley Tehcnical Day
5th November 2016 / 10.00am / Bill Rawles Classic Cars, Unit 2 Dukes Mill, Station Approach, Medstead, Alton, Hants, GU34 5EN

Bill Rawles Classic Cars New Workshop – Much bigger and fully equipped for all your classic car needs
Thames Valley Austin Healey Club
A Technical day at Bill Rawles Classic Cars
The Thames Valley Austin Healey Club is a regional centre of the UK’s National Austin Healey Club.
We have been asked by the centre if Bill Rawles and his team can host a technical day on Saturday 29th October 2016. For more information please call event organiser Rob Fenton on 020 8998 8718
We are really pleased to be hosting this and look forward to the attendees joining us at our new workshop:-
Bill Rawles Classic Cars Ltd
Unit 2, Dukes Mill
Station Approach,
Hants GU34 5EN
Our new premises is much larger and we have a parts store containing new and secondhand items, a vast array of tools, machinery and lifts as well as a great team with a huge amount of skill and expertise to carryout all your Healey requirements however big, small or perplexing that the job may seem to you. We also have the facility to store cars and we are building up our car sales department and reputation as the place to get your classic sold at the right price in a reasonable time frame.
The timetable consists of morning coffee, a workshop tour, technical tips and advice, a light bite for lunch and a question and answer session.
If you are a steam train fan, we are located right by The Four Marks and Medstead Railway Station, which serves the Watcress Steam Railway. I’m sure you will also find time to pop up to the railway too

Bill Rawles Classic Cars New Workshop – Much bigger and fully equipped for all your classic car needs. We are looking forward to The Thames Valley Technical day organised for the end of October