White Dove Transport Show
14th August 2016 / 11.00am / Kingsley Sports Club, Sickels Lane, GU35 9PD
White Dove Collector’s Transport Show
The White Dove Collector’s Transport Show was created over ten years ago by John Turner, wgo is the Chairman and Treasurer of the event. John’s idea was to hold a small scale gathering of classic cars and motorcycles with the sole aim of raising money for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice.
Over the last ten years the show has got bigger and bigger and has become a very popular local event. Over the years the show even had to relocate to a bigger venue. The day attracts a wide range of cars, motorcycles, scooters, military and commercial vehicles.
If the sun shines it could not be a more perfect British Classic Car Show, with ice cream stalls, BBQ, Cakes, a bar, afternoon teas, trade stalls, an auto jumble and live music. It is a great way to waste a Sunday, soaking up the atmosphere, meeting friends, making new acquaintances and enjoying the spectacle and variety of vehicles on display.
If you would like more details or to download a form to enter your car in the show and be in the chance to win a trophy, a commemorative plaque or be awarded a certificate please take a look at the White Dove Collector’s Transport Show web site – //www.whitedoveevents.org.uk/white-dove-the-show-enter-your-vehicle.html
The Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice
Bill Rawles Classic Show have had the pleasure of helping to play a part in the success of this event and sponsoring it for a number of years. We think that the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice, based in Farnham, Surrey (the town which Bill Rawles grew up in and lived in until quite recently) is an amazing and essential facility in our community. It is the only Hospice Care service for adult patients and their families, affected by cancer or other serious progressive illnesses (such as heart, lung or neurological diseases), serving 550,000 residents across the whole of West Surrey and part of North East Hampshire, at the hospital and in the community.
The NHS/Government only covers 20% of the Hospice running costs which means that fund raising events like this and others that take place all over the area are an essential source of additional funding. The hospice needs over £1500.00 per day to be able to keep offering such an exceptopnal standard of clinical care and support.
Where is the show?
1 Mile from A325 Farnham Road
From Bordon B3004
Kingsley Sports Club
Sickels Lane
Near Bordon
Hants GU35 9PD
We look forward to seeing you if you are able to come
Some pictures from 2015’s event

The New Forest Austin Healey Club have a stand at The White Dove Collector’s Transport Show – Healey Club members Jim & Jan Finch won a prize last year